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How Does Case Management System work for Medical Experts?

May 6, 2024 - Uncategorized

Who are Medico-legal Experts & What is Their Role in Medico-Legal Cases?

Medico-legal experts are professionals who are expert witnesses in medico-legal cases. A medico-legal expert is different from a simple medical practitioner in terms of experience and familiarity with the procedures and requirements of the litigation system and court obligations. The former also possess sound knowledge of their duty within legal processes and can understand it as being within the realms of their expertise. Most importantly, a medical expert is aware of responsibility under the Civil Procedure Rules (Part 35).

Medico-legal experts cover numerous domains like criminology, industrial diseases, injuries, psychological issues, employment laws, civil laws, etc. Medico-legal experts depend on the specific role including acting as an expert witness, writing medico-legal report, defending a medical claim, reviewing statements for solicitors, preparing to give evidence as an expert witness, etc.

How CMS works?

The work of medico-legal requires skills like understanding the litigation process, good time management, ability to handle emergency cases, report writing skills, good observation and communication skills. The most important of them is being able to manage deadlines along with your other clinical appointments and cases. Even in some urgent legal or ethical cases, immediate work is required, so for that purpose Case Management System solves all these problems like time management, paperwork-related stress, managing appointments, etc.

Case management system is beneficial as it helps to streamline the entire medicolegal process and aids with organising the entire data, keeping it safe on cloud system for future use. This includes the systematic scheduling of appointments with medical experts and tracking of these appointments. This ensures that you are able to check for the availability of medical experts before making the appointment, to save your valuable time and avoid unnecessary inconvenience.

Moreover, the case management system allows users to be in control of the entire process of medico legal process. The claimant is now able to track the status of the report as well. This includes knowing the progress of the report as done by the medical experts.

As you are able to track your appointments with the medical experts relevant to the litigation, you are also given complete information to track your finances and accounts. The case management system has separate tabs to inform you of all your paid and pending invoices to the medical experts and also allows admin agencies to keep track of the whole process.

Perhaps one of the most salient features of the case management system is the automatic updates for important notifications through text message alerts. This is largely helpful in being aware of important dates such as appointments and scheduling with medical experts, and due to date information for unpaid invoices. The automated correspondence feature also goes to the extent of reinforming users of paid invoices as well, to ensure that there is complete and efficient communication of the progress of medico-legal report writing while keeping a record of everything.

Medico report writing software is a convenient software that aims to make the process of writing medico-legal reports swifter and wholly accurate meeting all the requirements and guideline.

How does Medical Expert Portal work in Medico Reports’ Case Management System?

Case Management System optimises the medico-legal process for MRO, admin agencies, and medical experts in various ways as mentioned above. Following are the salient features of the Medico Report case management system’s medical expert portal:

  • The medical expert portal allows you to add medical expert staff along with their specified services offered.
  • It also provides necessary information like working hours and availability status along with clinic information to make the whole process easier.
  • To register medical staff it asks for specified services offered, title, gender, name, address of medical expert. It also keeps their contact details such as email address, and contact number. It allows medical experts to specify per hour charges and payment hours as well.
  • It also specifies staff procedures moreover procedure rates are also mentioned for each medical expert.
  • It saves your all-important documents such as GMC/HCPC number, ICO, Accreditation number, indemnity, medico number, regulation certificate, and Curriculum Vitae.
  • It also inculcates hiring notes and other prerequisites for medico-legal experts like specialist register membership, and other working skills like computer efficiency, communications skills, and writing skills, working efficiency with multidisciplinary team, knowledge of health and safety violations, CPD courses.
  • All this information related to medical staff, their complete profile is maintained and is easily accessible online along with their availability status.
  • Case Management System has medical report reviews and contracts copies for facilitating MRO’s and admin agencies in the medico-legal process.
  • It allows medical experts to view the claimant’s list
  • Medical experts can receive instructions and generate medico, addendum also P35s reports using prewritten format according to the given guidelines.
  • The Case Management system also provides automated DNA notifications.


All the above-mentioned benefits make the medico report case management system perfect to streamline the whole medico-legal process. It efficiently manages the medico-legal case by organizing all the data and streamlining process for medical experts, MRO, and admin agencies.

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